Global traveler Bill Littel feels that one has to take risks or lose the opportunity to move forward. Bill just returned from a vacation in Australia and is planning one to South America next winter. His travel advice to Americans is to not dress like an American, i.e. baseball cap, jeans and sneakers. Some of his favorite memories of savoring the tastes of local foods while traveling include eating pasta with white sauce in Rome and danishes in Iceland.
Background questions
Work History – lessons learned?
After working for two years at the public accounting firm Johnson Atwater, conducting insurance claim audits, I took a job at Allstate Insurance Company. For more than 30 years at Allstate, I have been in a number of areas in the Accounting, Controller, Claims Systems, and Underwriting Departments. Allstate has given me the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in a number of complex work environments.
If you could have a second career, what would it be?
Based on my love of numbers and a hobby of traveling the world, if I had the opportunity to pursue a second career, it would be in the investment banking arena or as a commercial pilot.
What do you like best/worst about your current position?
My position in the Assumed Claim Department, managing the dispute resolution process, is challenging and full of unique experiences. Handling complex claim billings from companies all over the globe is a major change from the mundane assignments that I undertook as an independent auditor in my first job.
The downside is that, unlike in the past when we saw swift resolution of claims, disputes take many years to resolve.
What industry publications do you read on a regular basis?
I wish I had time to read more but I need to limit my reading to publications that have a direct impact on my current job. In addition to AIRROC Matters, I also read Business Insurance, Best’s Review, Mealey’s Reinsurance, and the Wall Street Journal.
What educational sessions or conferences do you attend and why?
In the past I used to attend a number of conferences, but with the Internet, I can now access desktop training. Additionally, I attend the AIRROC Quarterly and Regional Sessions, semi-annual ARIAS Conferences, FETTI Conference, and the Illinois CPA Reinsurance Seminar.
For the full article, refer to page 24 in the Summer 2015 issue.