AIRROC has embarked on a strategic planning process, retaining Wendy Scott & Associates to lead and facilitate the development of a plan to shape the next chapter of AIRROC’s development. A half-day in person session was held the day before the Summer Membership Meeting with our facilitator, the AIRROC Board of Directors, the Advisory Council, the NextGen Council, and key staff. The purpose was to focus on what should be our priorities in formulating a new plan that establishes a long-term vision to move AIRROC forward. Prior to the retreat, Wendy Scott conducted individual interviews with AIRROC’s various stakeholders to include the Board, Advisory Council, and NextGen Council members, Corporate Partners and staff to soliciting their input and ideas on what AIRROC does well and ways to improve. Gathering internal evidence and incorporating the comments and views expressed by stakeholders during the interviews was utilized to structure the planning session.
For any company, strategic planning is a continuous process of reviewing and assessing operations, programs, and focuses to ensure that AIRROC remains a dynamic and relevant organization. Engagement with AIRROC’s members, corporate partners, outside and peer organizations, as well as the larger insurance and reinsurance industry – is crucial so that we can drive innovation and demonstrate leadership in the legacy space. The pandemic confirmed AIRROC’s ability to be agile and responsive to a changing landscape. AIRROC seeks to build upon this strength with constant improvement to chart a course that will prepare us for the future.
The first step in our strategic planning process is to revisit and conduct an in-depth analysis of AIRROC’s mission statement, vision statement, and core values to make sure it aligns with our goals. Although some slight adjustments in wordsmithing may take place down the road, this review confirmed AIRROC’s commitment and dedication to its founding principles set forth below:
Mission Statement
To promote and represent the interests of entities with legacy business by improving industry standards and enhancing knowledge and communications within and outside of the (re)insurance industry.
To be the most valued (re)insurance industry educator and network provider for issue resolution and creation of optimal exit strategies.
AIRROC’s Key Values
The idiom of “don’t mess with success” seems apt in this circumstance. While we are in the initial stages of the strategic planning process, we will keep you posted on the progress of our endeavors as we hash out our priorities, goals and ambitions for the future!
Have ideas that you want to share? Let me know – the biggest success in this process will be working together to shape AIRROC for 20 more years and beyond!